
Monday, July 27, 2009

Am I Enough?

Lately, I've been reflecting on how its just not that easy to be a woman in today's world. I'm in a ladies bible study at church, and we are reading the book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." The bottom line is I'm such a Martha, when all I really desire is to stop and sit at the feet of Jesus. (Luke 10:38-42).

As women today, we are beyond distracted with so many tasks, self-consuming thoughts, and just flat out struggles. I feel God telling me that I just need to stop and strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman - not a perfect woman of this world.

Does anyone ever feel these things?
- When will these extra 10 pounds go away? I've been working out like a maniac lately, eating more fruits and veggies, and my clothes aren't hanging off me like I want them to...
- I wish my house was cuter and allowed for us to entertain more; but the thought of having more areas to decorate is terrifying - what if I make mistakes, or worse, get the decorations in and settled, then realize I don't like it (like I've done with our bedding - its so dark and dreary - why didn't I shop around more?)
- Just when I think I've got enough clothes, something new and fabulous comes out that I've just got to have; probably because I still have those struggles of wanting to wear the next best thing; honestly, do I need more clothes? NO! (BTW - I feel the same way about purses and jewelry)
- Why did I get the short end of the stick on great hair? I can't decide if I like it short, long or medium - honestly, sometimes it sucks all three ways! Haircuts are so defining, yet, I can never seem to stay happy with one style
- Back to my body - ughhhh!!!!! Just to lose the impossible inches on my arms! And the love handles - come on, I do so many oblique exercises - what gives???
- And finally, am I doing enough? Do I clean or cook enough to be considered a great wife? Do I call and visit enough to be a great family member? Do I ask the right questions and listen enough to be the best friend I can be? Do I work hard enough at work to make sure I'm not going anywhere - do I do enough?

Lord, am I enough?

Proverbs 31:28-30

Her children rise up and bless her;
Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
Many daughters have done nobly,
But you excel them all.
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised

Praising the Lord today, for making me a woman wise enough to realize that the only set of standards that matter are those of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. You are ALWAYS enough for Him. He made you just as you are and how you should be. I know I struggle with this too, and I constantly have to remind myself that I'm not supposed to be perfect, just the best me I can be. (I know I sound like an after school special!)

    That is a good book, I think I might read it again; it's been years.
