
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spending Less...

As Jeremy and I are saving our money for a house house (as opposed to the town house we live in now), I've made a few promises to myself, and okay, him too, about ways I'll save money from now until the end of 2009. I'll have to come up with new promises for 2010 :)

So, I thought I would share them with you guys, as an accountability! That way, if I start blogging about something I just bought that I shouldn't have, you guys can comment and say, "BRITTNEY - what were you thinking? You weren't supposed to buy that!!!"

So, here we go.
My spending vows...

  • I vow to not spend any money on holiday decoration items this year. Seriously - do I actually need another Christmas ornament or Halloween candy bowl? I think not!
  • I vow to not spend any money on scrapbooking any more this year. UNLESS - it's absolutely necessary (e.g. buying new letter stickers because I can only spell out Vaca instead of Vacation)
  • Deep breath, ladies - I vow not to spend any money on a mani or pedi - YIKES!!! This is a big one, because I love to unwind with a nice pedi after a long week. But, I am perfectly capable of doing an "at home spa pedi."

So, please help me stay faithful to these vows. I know it'll be worth it in the end, because we will be living in a fabulous home and I'll invite you all over for a housewarming party (or maybe we'll just all go get pedicures)!

Here we go....wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck! I think you should still get the massage portion of your pedi from J.
