
Monday, July 13, 2009

Thoughts on ONE Year of Marriage

Yesterday Jeremy & I celebrated our one year anniversary! It was a perfect day - we went to church, lunch with my family, saw Phantom of the Opera (and LOVED it), cooked our favorite meal for dinner, exchanged presents and of course, ate the top of our wedding cake. FYI - our cake lady made us a new cake, we didn't freeze ours! We decided our anniversary tradition would be to dance to our song, from our first dance as husband and wife, which is "At Last." Of course, Charley wanted to join in on the dance, too, which was pretty funny!

To commemorate one year, I decided to do a "Top 10 Things I've Learned As A Newlywed" list. Enjoy!
1. You can't change him - no matter how hard you try, how faithfully you pray, how exciting you think your pep talks are - there's no changing someone else.
2. Boys are stinky - there's just no way around it!
3. Husbands don't like it when you get the tweezers out and go after their eyebrows!
4. If you really want to make your first year adventurous - get a cocker spaniel! Although Charley is a complete handful and total mess sometimes, we have had a blast with him!
5. Put each other first - don't give him whatever is leftover at the end of the day. He deserves more than that.
6. Trust his decisions - God made him the head of your marriage for a reason! Even though I don't always agree with his choices at first, in the end, I usually can look back and see that he was right!
7. Take lots of pictures - I'm never too shy to ask strangers to take our pictures on vacation - I want to treasure all of our memories right now & I'm excited we have SO many pictures together!
8. Have secrets and inside jokes - it only strengthens the connection that the two of you share!
9. Continue to surprise each other, and date each other. We didn't get a grip on this until a few months into the marriage, but it keeps things exciting when you go on dates and try new things together!
10. Talk to him - he's still a guy and cannot possibly guess what is wrong with you (even though you are his wife)!

Here's a picture from yesterday - he's holding our Phantom playbill and I'm holding our cake (I know, its cheesy, I just had to take this picture...see #7).


  1. LOVE it! I almost spit water all over my keyboard at #3 though. Too funny. BTW, we're getting a new cake too! Congrats to you both.

  2. Hey Brit, I found you and now I am going to follow you. Sounds kinda creepy huh? Your blog is just like you, cute, adorable and keepin it real. That's probably why we're friends. Anyw ay I like the top ten idea. Our 29, yes 29 OMG anniversary is coming up in August! Boy could I write a list.
    Love you, "Kathy Who?"
    BTW could you edit my posts for me, thanks you're the best!
