
Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009: A Year In Review

I got this blog idea from my friend Sara - enjoy!

January: Got my first new car, which 4 days later I managed to ding up by hitting the air conditioning unit outside our garage. It's getting fixed this week!

February: Had a romantic Valentine's Day seeing Legally Blonde! Went to Dallas with junior and senior cheerleaders for playoff game and had fun! Took Dog Training 101 with Charley and he graduated with honors!

March: Traveled to NYC - had a blast with our cousins Brian and Erin, shopped, drooled over a Coach bag I thought I needed (but alas did not get, and that's okay), saw Wicked, went on fun movie and TV tour of NYC. Didn't see any celebrities, but maybe next time! My beloved blind Pomeranian I got in college, Bruiser, passed away unexpectedly. First devestating animal loss for me.

April: Went to Boston for the first time for a marketing conference with fabulous co-worker Shari and we had a blast! Loved the city!! Started scrapbooking again! Joined Twitter!

May: Turned 25! Went to Sedona with our friends Sara and Cliff and had a wonderful time! Such a beautiful part of the country! Went to see my boy Kenny Chesney in concert! Joined a Sunday School class at our church and started making new couple friends!

June: Went to float the Frio River with a group of friends and had a great time and minimal sunburns. Our nephew and godson Brayden was born a month early! Just before Father's Day!

July: Had our first anniversary! Celebrated Jeremy's birthday on vacation in Boston! Went to Red Sox game, Cape Cod, Plymouth, Duck Tour of Boston and much more. Had a great time! Went to Scrapbook Village with my BFF Jenna and was blown away by all of her new scrapbooking tools. She became my scrapbooking hero! Took my first cake decorating class!

August: The girls dominated cheer camp once again, started my 3rd year of working at SBS, went to George Strait concert with my BFF, my Mom.

September: Started traveling for LSU football; had fun tailgating and winning games again! Brayden was baptized and I attended my first Catholic baptism ceremony.

October: Fell more madly in love with my husband! Struggled with decision to go back to school (specifically Law School), realized that's not where God wants me now, so I'm sitting patiently and obeying his plans! Dressed Charley up for Halloween as a bumble bee - I loved it, Jeremy rolled his eyes, the dog was indifferent, he just liked the excessive attention! Hired a fabulous assistant cheerleading coach!

November: Experienced my first cheerleading drama - and hope to never go through any again! Glad I survived! Thanksgiving in Houston, then headed to BR with my parents in tow to watch LSU beat Arkansas :) Finally!

December: Took cheerleaders to first competition and they won 1st and 2nd place! Enjoyed a busy Christmas with our families, had a nice break off of work (which I'm still enjoying), stepsister Heidi got married, Charley ate his first chocolate candy and got a Cherry Eye in the same week, and got to play in the snow in Houston!

Had a blessed 2009 and I am looking forward to a great new year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year - it was SO busy! But we were blessed to be around all of our families this year, and that was perfect for us! Instead of detailing out our Christmas, I'll show it to you in pictures! Clever, right?

We headed to Shreveport first to celebrate with my dad's side of the family. We had a blast staying with Jack and Katherine and visiting with the Adams' side of the family!

Yes...I got a snuggie!
Jeremy with Katherine and Misti - my awesome sister-in-laws!
Then we headed back to Houston and hosted our very first Christmas Eve Party for my family. It was really fun! We did presents, played Christmas Bingo (and had gift cards as prizes), had tons of yummy food and of course played Rock Band. Some of Jeremy's family stopped by the party, too! It was definitely a fun tradition that we started!

Alex and Drake had a blast at our party - check out my hat - it makes me a "pro" chef!

Me and my girl, Bailey (my 10-year old niece)Playing Rock Band!

After the big party, we had our own Christmas, just me, Jeremy and Charley. Here are two of our favorite gifts! The scrapbooking machine is mine and the framed newspaper front page is his.

The next morning, we headed to the Bull house for Christmas with my brother's family. It's so fun to have Christmas with the kids - their excitement is truly what this season is about! It's so exciting! After we did presents, we had Christmas lunch with lots of the family. It was great seeing everyone!

Just showing off my wrapping job on Mom's present (I got her several kitchen things for her newly redecorated kitchen)!Bailey got a new Bible cover (and she's wearing her new Abercrombie jacket we got her)!

I got this amazing new cookbook - The Pioneer Woman - I seriously feel like me and this lady are friends! I'm excited to cook some of this yummy food!

The morning of the 26th, we went to Baton Rouge to have the Ford's Christmas. It was really fun - Jeremy has a really fun family! We opened gifts, ate dinner and played games! We had a great time!

Mr. Charlie (my FIL) got an outdoor heater! He's holding our new nephew Brayden!With my Christmas money from Mimi, I bought this fabulous new purse! I'm in love!

Whew...Christmas was fun, but a little exhausting! In the middle of it all, Charley ate M&M's, spent one night throwing up all night (now we have a taste of what its like to have a baby...we'll still hold off on that one for awhile, thanks Charley), and then to top it off, he got a Cherry Eye. I'll spare you the photo of his eye - it was disgusting! We thankfully avoided $500 eye surgery, and now we put drops in his eyes everyday. Sweet dog...

Hope you all had a blessed Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas at the Ford's

I'm so proud of our Christmas decorations! Jeremy is a great helper, and we are really excited about Christmas this year! It'll be our first married Christmas to be at home together.

To celebrate, we will attend church on Christmas Eve, and then we are hosting a Christmas Eve party for my famliy which we are super pumped about. Once they leave, we will open our gifts (except our stockings). On the morning of the 25th, we will head to Deer Park for more celebrating and Santa with my family! We will open our stockings when we get home that day! It should be a really fun time! We will also squeeze in heading to North Louisiana to see my dad's side of the family before Christmas, and to BR to celebrate with Jeremy's family afterwards.

Here are our decorations that we are so proud of! Humor me and comment on them :)

My Christmas dishes! I'm in love with them!
Our beautiful tree!
My Southern Living decorative stocking and the greenery I added to it!A close up of our tree and some of my favorite ornaments!Our banister wrapped in garland, poinsettas and lights - J helped alot with this project!
Our stockings hung by the fireplace :)

Merry Christmas! 11 days until Jesus' birthday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

She's Back...

Hey Friends!

First, I'd like to give a shout out to my girl Jenna for having such a cute blog background that I was inspired to steal it and make one of my own. She's too creative for her own good :)! Thanks my BFFEAEAE!

Sorry I have neglected to blog at all lately - even during National Blog Month I didn't post one time. That's simply embarrassing people.

I've seriously been a "worry wart" lately - so much so that I cannot even sleep well at night! It's been a stressful last month or two with work and cheerleading. My precious girls are competing at their very first competition on Saturday. Please pray that all goes well. We have two days left of practice and I'm not 100% confident we will pull it together. But, they always manage to surprise me, so hopefully that's the case on Saturday!

I hate being a worrier. I read this quote the other day that said "Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere." Simply said, yet profound. It spoke to me.

I also read another quote that said "More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them." Wow, right?

I get my quotes from @iheartquotes on Twitter. They update multiple times a day and I really like a lot of theirs.

Anyway, hopefully the next time I post it won't be with such a worried and heavy heart. It is the "most wonderful time of the year" after all, and I know that it will be!
