
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas this year - it was SO busy! But we were blessed to be around all of our families this year, and that was perfect for us! Instead of detailing out our Christmas, I'll show it to you in pictures! Clever, right?

We headed to Shreveport first to celebrate with my dad's side of the family. We had a blast staying with Jack and Katherine and visiting with the Adams' side of the family!

Yes...I got a snuggie!
Jeremy with Katherine and Misti - my awesome sister-in-laws!
Then we headed back to Houston and hosted our very first Christmas Eve Party for my family. It was really fun! We did presents, played Christmas Bingo (and had gift cards as prizes), had tons of yummy food and of course played Rock Band. Some of Jeremy's family stopped by the party, too! It was definitely a fun tradition that we started!

Alex and Drake had a blast at our party - check out my hat - it makes me a "pro" chef!

Me and my girl, Bailey (my 10-year old niece)Playing Rock Band!

After the big party, we had our own Christmas, just me, Jeremy and Charley. Here are two of our favorite gifts! The scrapbooking machine is mine and the framed newspaper front page is his.

The next morning, we headed to the Bull house for Christmas with my brother's family. It's so fun to have Christmas with the kids - their excitement is truly what this season is about! It's so exciting! After we did presents, we had Christmas lunch with lots of the family. It was great seeing everyone!

Just showing off my wrapping job on Mom's present (I got her several kitchen things for her newly redecorated kitchen)!Bailey got a new Bible cover (and she's wearing her new Abercrombie jacket we got her)!

I got this amazing new cookbook - The Pioneer Woman - I seriously feel like me and this lady are friends! I'm excited to cook some of this yummy food!

The morning of the 26th, we went to Baton Rouge to have the Ford's Christmas. It was really fun - Jeremy has a really fun family! We opened gifts, ate dinner and played games! We had a great time!

Mr. Charlie (my FIL) got an outdoor heater! He's holding our new nephew Brayden!With my Christmas money from Mimi, I bought this fabulous new purse! I'm in love!

Whew...Christmas was fun, but a little exhausting! In the middle of it all, Charley ate M&M's, spent one night throwing up all night (now we have a taste of what its like to have a baby...we'll still hold off on that one for awhile, thanks Charley), and then to top it off, he got a Cherry Eye. I'll spare you the photo of his eye - it was disgusting! We thankfully avoided $500 eye surgery, and now we put drops in his eyes everyday. Sweet dog...

Hope you all had a blessed Christmas!


  1. I love the Pioneer Woman! Her picture recipes will definitely help you to be more confident in the kitchen. And, her recipes are very man pleasing so Jeremy will love them.

    Happy New Year!

  2. so cool that you got a cricut!! i'm jealous!! only you, brit, would get a zebra-striped snuggie :) u r 2 cute!

  3. Umm, I am also in love with PW - can't wait for my book to arrive - should be any day now!!!
