
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas at the Ford's

I'm so proud of our Christmas decorations! Jeremy is a great helper, and we are really excited about Christmas this year! It'll be our first married Christmas to be at home together.

To celebrate, we will attend church on Christmas Eve, and then we are hosting a Christmas Eve party for my famliy which we are super pumped about. Once they leave, we will open our gifts (except our stockings). On the morning of the 25th, we will head to Deer Park for more celebrating and Santa with my family! We will open our stockings when we get home that day! It should be a really fun time! We will also squeeze in heading to North Louisiana to see my dad's side of the family before Christmas, and to BR to celebrate with Jeremy's family afterwards.

Here are our decorations that we are so proud of! Humor me and comment on them :)

My Christmas dishes! I'm in love with them!
Our beautiful tree!
My Southern Living decorative stocking and the greenery I added to it!A close up of our tree and some of my favorite ornaments!Our banister wrapped in garland, poinsettas and lights - J helped alot with this project!
Our stockings hung by the fireplace :)

Merry Christmas! 11 days until Jesus' birthday!


  1. Awww....I love your decorations! Are you posting the link to your blog on the nester? I love your banister and your stockings. I wish we had a fireplace to hang ours on. I can't wait to see you soon!!!!

  2. Very nice! I love Christmas decorations - makes everything look so festive and happy!

  3. I like your new Christmas design; very cute! We thought of you while decorating our tree when we came across the ring box ornament I copied from you. I like that we have our proposal date on the tree!
