Monday, March 29, 2010

My March Madness

I seriously feel like March has lasted soooo long - anyone else feel that way? Here are some updates about what we've been up to lately:

1. No updates on the house; its been on the market 34 days, and we average about one showing every other day, so that's positive. The house I was in love with is about to become option pending, which is a little sad, but its ok. God knows our new address, and obviously that's not it!

2. We've spent lots of time with our Sunday School friends recently. We have such a great Sunday School class - Compass. It's all young marrieds like us, some with babies, and some without. I love the girls in there and the new friendships I've made. I hope I become closer friends with them!!

3. I took an interior decorating class through Leisure Learning with my mom last week - it was awesome! I learned a lot about how to decorate our home!

4. My BFF Kim got married on March 20! Here are a few pics from her wedding festivities! It was fun to do lots of the planning and preparation with my BFF Lindsay! It was such a blessing to be a part of the celebration! Kim's also a blogger now - check out her newlywed blog!

Me and Lindsay before the Bachelorette's Night Out!The Bachelorette Party weekend also involved some serious shopping!
Posing at the rehearsal with Bridesmaid Jessica (the wedding was supposed to be outside on this beautiful golf course, but it got rained out)
Having fun at the reception with the beautiful bride and her new groom!
We just had to do this - making fun of the traditional wedding pic! Haha!!
Me and my groom of 20 months :)
5. Please pray for our cheerleading tryouts this week - on April 1. We have lots of girls trying out, so just pray for all of these girls hearts as they go through this emotional week!

6. Its been fun this month to go to the Rodeo! It's one of my favorite things to do in Houston. I went to see Kenny Chesney (of course) with my BFF Jenna!! So fun! And also saw Lady Antebellum with Kim, Jessica (pictured above) and JS (other Jessica). I also saw Keith Urban - probably my favorite performer this year - with my friend Kim from SBS! So fun!! I love country music!

Have a great week!

Friday, March 19, 2010

New Designer Shoes - Friday

Today I wore my first pair of designer sandals. I paid way too much money for this pair of Coach sandals a few weeks back, and have been too nervous to wear them! I broke them out today for Kim's bridal luncheon, and I must say, they looked adorable. The downside of the shoes is that they have zero traction on the bottom of them, which is why I ended up falling down the stairs this morning on my way out the door (and managed to spill a glass of water on me in the process). Although me and my shoes didn't have a good start, all's well that ends well!

Aren't they cute?

Updating this week has been fun - its fun to try something new every day! Now, I'll go back to my regular postings - once or so a week! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

'Bow'quet Thursday

As the proud MOH in my friend Kim's wedding this weekend, I did my duty of making her rehearsal bouquet. I finally got my act together and made it today. It was so easy and really fun! That much pink in one small area makes me really happy!

Here are some photos of the adorable bouquet. I hope she likes it!
And, no, I've never made one of these before! Another Spring Break first!

Almost finished!

One view!

Another view!

I'll do my last Spring Break post tomorrow - have no idea what my "new" project will be though...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day - Wednesday's Project

Happy St. Patrick's Day! In honor of the national green holiday, I baked green cupcakes. I've never made green cupcakes, or any St. Paddy's Day dessert, so its my something new for today! I tried a new recipe for the icing - its white chocolate! I can't wait to try it, but I'm going to wait for hubby to get home before diving in! Hope you all had a great day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tie Knot Blanket Tuesday

For today's Spring Break Project, I made a blanket! I made a cute tie knot fleece blanket. The lady at Joann's said it would only take me 30 minutes. Well, it took about 3 hours, but I'll chalk that up to the fact that I'm an amateur and that I was watching last night's episode of Gossip Girl (OMG - Dan and Vanessa?!? LOVE IT!). Anyway, I had fun making the blanket and I can't wait to snuggle up and use it, since I'm always cold! Here are a few pics from each step of the way!

First, I cut 4 inch squares in each of the corners of the blanket.

Then I cut 4 inch strips on all sides of the blanket (lesson learned: do this project on a large table, and not on the living room floor)

Next, I tied the strips together. Do you like the polka dot fabric? It's called Skittles - cute, right?

Ta-da - its finished! Charley likes it, of course, he barely stayed off of it long enough for me to finish!
I had fun with the blanket!! Jenna - are you proud?!?
Not sure what I'll be taking on tomorrow yet!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Chocolate Cake Monday

To celebrate Spring Break, I'm doing something new every day! I love to bake, so I figured I'd make a new dessert today - not to mention I LOVE SWEETS!

Today I made a Chocolate Sheet Cake! I've never made one before, but I love to eat them, so I gave it a go with Pioneer Woman's Recipe. It only called for 3 3/4 sticks of butter (yep, you read that right!). It was fairly easy to make, but next time I'll use a deeper baking sheet. The mess took a long time to clean up! Live and learn! That's my cooking motto :)

This is the icing starting to boil; after I made the icing, I poured it onto the cake just as it came out of the oven...this was pure bliss!

This is what the cake looked like in the oven!

It was all fun and games until I realized the big mess I made pouring the icing on top of the cake - oh well, part of the fun!

The only downside to this cake is that making it uses a ton of dishes!

This is what Charley did while I was a baking! Usually he's right on my heels, so this is serious progress!

Happy Spring Break!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

30 Things About US

I borrowed this idea from my friend, Sara - enjoy!

1. What are your middle names? Mine is Leigh and his is Charles

2. How long have you been together? We dated for 9 months, were engaged for a year, and we've been married for almost 20 months.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? about a month

4. Who asked who out? Funny story - he says I asked him out, but that date was planned far out, and he asked me to do something before then; so we say we had a "first" first date and then a "second" first date.

5. How old are each of you? I'm 25 and he is 34

6. Did you go to the same school? Nope, he went to LSU and I went to HBU

7. Are you from the same home town? Nope, he's from Baton Rouge and I mostly grew up in Deer Park

8. Who is the smartest? He is, for sure.

9. Who majored in what? I double majored in Business and Communications, and he majored in Chemical Engineering; and now I'll admit that I have NO CLUE what his minor was....hmmm....

10. Who is the most sensitive? Me, definitely.

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? We went to London and to Paris together!

12. Who has the worst temper? I don't know - we're both pretty mild mannered.

13. How many children do you want? At least two, but if neither of those is a girl, we'll keep going...right, honey?

14. Who does the cooking? As much as we try to share, he does most of it, and I do the baking :)

15. Who is more social? Me! But he's pretty social, too; but I do manage our social calendar!

16. Who is the neat freak? Neither of us are "neat freaks" but I'm definitely neater than he is.

17. Who is the most stubborn? He is; but I've learned how to talk him out of his stubborn state!

18. Who wakes up earlier? He always does; I actually think he likes to wake up early. I could sleep all day....and that's the truth!

19. Where was your first date? We went to see a terrible chick flick (my choice) and then got ice cream at Coldstone (his choice). I was so excited towards then end of my movie when he reached over to hold my hand!! I can still feel the butterflies!

20. Who has the bigger family? Umm...well, we both have pretty big families, immediate and extended; this is a complicated question!

21. Do you get flowers often? I used to, but I asked him to save the money and cut back on sending them (when I saw how much they cost!); but I love getting them!

22. How do you spend the holidays? We alternate between his side and both of my sides of the fam.

23. Who is more jealous? I am, but I really never have a reason to be; he's a champ for putting up with all of my ridiculous crushes - Kenny Chesney, Chuck Bass, Patrick Dempsey, Eric Dane, etc...

24. How long did it take to get serious? A couple of months; he told me "I love you too" on November 29, 2006 (after we had been dating almost 2 months); I had never said "I love you" so it was cute that he just said "I love you too"

25. Who eats more? That's easy - Jeremy

26. What do you do for a living? He is in sales (business development) and I work in communications and coach cheerleading

27. Who does the laundry? We split it, and have a good routine of how we do it!

28. Who's better with the computer? He is, hands down

29. Who drives when you are together? Usually he does, not sure why; I'm sure my driving scares him :)

30. What is your song? "At Last" by Etta James